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Rachelle and Chad

Wapitichiap Consulting was founded in the summer of 2021 by Rachelle and Chad Vincent. At the time, they had been acting as consultants for various third-party organizations across Western Canada.


Rachelle Vincent (born Everett) is a band member of Berens River First Nation, MB. Rachelle has a wealth of experience and training surrounding the Child Welfare System and practical hands-on success in reaching youth who are harder to connect with.

Originally from the Pine Falls region, Chad grew up in the small French Canadian/Metis community of St. Georges, MB. Chad has worked as a Technical Writer, Consultant, and Life Coach for the past 20 years. 


Rachelle, Chad along with their five biological children have also acted as specialized foster parents for 14 years and have successfully transitioned over 20 youths to Adulthood. Many of which still connect with the Vincents on a regular basis.

Chad and Rachelle have joined forces with a group of talented and skilled writers who share their vision to empower and bring opportunities to the communities and organizations they serve.

What does Wapitchiap Mean?

Wapitchiap comes from the Anisininew Word for having your eyes wide open. The name was selected for Chad's inspiration and role model – Troy Raymond Wood, who tried every day to make the world a better place despite his limitations and many physical diversities. Troy indeed had his "Eyes Wide Open"… To Possibilities… To Life… To Seeing the Potential in Others.

It is with that same Spirit that Wapitchiap operates. We intend to assist others in opening their eyes in finding their organization's possibilities and potential.

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